Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3/17 - The Day After Surgery (St. Patrick's Day)

6:15pm - Sun on San Francisco is gorgeous this evening!

3:35pm - by the way, Happy St. Patty's day!

3:00pm - Karen left to take a shower & get some rest. Now poor Jeannette is stuck with Don!

2:45pm - No new news, but here is the view Karen & I are enjoying.
SF Bay is just above the buildings & Kezar Stadium in the center.

12:15pm - Tough bout w/Physical Therapist. Jeannette: "I made my therapist mad at me."
Anyway, she did get up and sat in a chair for a little while. She's off the morphine drip.

8:00 am - Jeannette is doing as well as can be expected considering what she's been through.

She's having considerable pain, but has self-administered pain medication.
At this point we expect to be home on Friday.

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